Loneliness – the changing way of the world

Attractive blonde young woman sitting on window sill, wearing winter clothes

It is interesting to me that in this ever changing world of social media, twitter, Facebook, instagram, free to air television and the list goes on that it has been reported in an article by Lifeline, that 8-10 people in Australia feel that life is becoming a more lonelier place.  I do not think it is unreasonable to think that with all the technology of today that you would think that it would be the opposite.  It has never been easier to be in contact with people.  However, there is a difference between talking to people and feeling a real connection and I believe it is the real connection that people are talking about.

On talk back radio (3AW) the other day, Dennis Walter and his resident psychologist, Sabrina were discussing this topic and asked for people to call in and discuss their views, experiences, thoughts on this topic.  A man phoned in to say he has been lonely for over 20 years.  He works full-time, plays golf and gets out and about but he feels no real connection to anyone.  I thought that was very sad but also very telling.  It highlighted for me that we do not really know what people are going through.  Clearly this man is able to function day to day and yet many people would be unaware of the loneliness that he is experiencing.  I am guessing that some people will react by either stating it is his fault, or he should just make more of an effort, or what is wrong with him.  This displays to me the lack of empathy and understanding that is required and could account for the reasons why people are too frightened to be really honest and state what they are really feeling.  It would be another form of rejection, which in turn could make them feel more lonely than they already feel or re-affirm to them that no one really understands just how they are feeling.  Hence why they keep it to themselves and maybe why it is so difficult for them to ask for help.

So how do we help people who are suffering from loneliness or maybe we are feeling alone.  Here are some suggestions that you may find useful:

  1.  Volunteer somewhere.  There are many places that are looking for volunteers and it is a way of feeling useful, connected, to meet people and do something that you enjoy and have a sense of achievement in.
  2. Get out and about.  Go and have a coffee somewhere, or go to the park and read a book, walk the dog, wash the car.  All these activities can help in getting you out of your own space and have the potential for you to meet people while you are doing these activities.
  3. Go visit some friends or family and if you are unable to do this maybe go to a nursing home where there is a need for some company for the elderly.
  4. Join some interest groups.  Look up meet up groups and see if there is anything that interests you there and enquire about it and join in.

In all of this, often the hardest part is admitting to others that you are lonely and then actually taking that first step to get out and about.  However, it is important to address this because without some effort nothing is probably going to change.




WHAT IS MINDFULNESS AND WHY ARE PEOPLE talking so much about the benefits of it?

Mindfulness is becoming very popular and for very good reason.  So often we can get caught up in reminiscing about the past and worrying about the future, that we forget to live in the now.   Mindfulness helps up to do just that – live in the now.  In this way we are able to take in what is actually happening.  We observe, notice and even put words to what is happening.

By being able to do mindfulness we can stop being so reactive and start being more mindful.  This in turn helps us to become calmer, more centered and less reactive.  How many times have we found ourselves in a situation that we did not like and rather than just being mindful of what is happening, we start to let that event, person or situation dictate how we feel.  Often this causes us more problems and before we know it, the situation is being blown way out of proportion to the event.  What we need to learn is how to respond to things wisely rather than letting our emotions get out of control.

Being mindful does not mean you become a non thinker, non reacting person that just takes whatever life throws at you.  What mindfulness does is help us to become more aware of our thoughts, feelings and reactions and in doing so, helps us to chose more wisely how we think, feel and react to any given situation.

Mindfulness is a skill that needs to be learned.  Some people take to it like a duck takes to water, they just love it.  However, there are others that can mindfulness to be quite a difficult skill.  When someone is use to just doing things without really thinking about what they are doing, it can be hard to all of a sudden have to become mindful, aware, conscious of what is happening.

Therefore, it is useful to start off learning to do mindfulness slowly.  Start with doing a short exercise that lasts for a couple of minutes and continue to do that until you feel comfortable to move onto a longer session.  You will start to reap the benefits in no time.  Do not expect instant results but you will get results if you continue to practice.

Mindfulness exercises can be found via the internet, or a phone app.  One of the apps that you might like is called “Smiling Mind.”  There are others available, so do not limit yourself to just one, if you would like to see what else is available.

What is positive psychology?


What is Positive Psychology?

Positive psychology is interested in what makes life worth living for people.  It asks what is right with you rather than what is wrong with you.

Traditional psychology has focused more on what is wrong with individuals rather than what is right about them.   It is more interested in making normal life more fulfilling.  Some of the ways this can be done is through knowing what your “flow” is.  Or being more mindful or developing learned optimism rather than learned helplessness.


Increase well-being

What to do when someone you love has an addiction.

What to do when someone you love has an addiction.

Over the course of my years, I have spoken to numerous people who have been involved with someone with an addiction.  It is the most frustrating, debilitating position to be in.  Trying to control someone to help them but not succeeding other than causing more stress to themselves.

So what do you do if someone you love has an addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, food or anything else for that matter.