How do you deal with rejection?

How do you deal with rejection?
No one likes to feel rejected for whatever reason it may be. Often the rejection will trigger past hurts and rejections and compound how you are feeling. The feeling of not being enough is an empty, lonely and often humiliating experience. One that can see people do things that they normally would not do or say things they would not say. It can feel like a fight for survival. To know that you are ok. So here are some tips on what to do when faced with that feeling of rejection.
1. Give yourself time to grieve over the loss.
2. Be kind to yourself.
3. Surround yourself with people you know care and will support you.
4. Talk to the right people.
5. Do something that you like to do.
6. Write down all the good things that have happened to help take your mind off the current negative situation. It is only one and needs to be put in context.
7. Give yourself credit for taking chances, for getting in and having a go. Ok it may not work out the way you hoped but something else is always around the corner.
8. Remember the old say “One door shuts and another one opens.”
9. Remind yourself that the rejection is not a reflection of you as a person. Try not to take it personally.
10. Have faith and believe in yourself. Be your own best friend and know you are worthy.

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